Our Services

  • Court Reporters

  • Videographers

  • Transcription

  • Interpreters & Translators

  • Virtual solutions

  • Equipment rental

  • Exhibit Management

  • Document Scanning

  • Condensed transcripts

  • Electronic transcript delivery

  • Video/Transcript Synchronization

  • Conference rooms nationwide

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Court Reporter

Our court reporters are highly skilled in their craft, many of which hold state and national certifications. We have reporters throughout Florida and across the US ready to assist you immediately. 



Our videographers use top of the line equipment to capture our client’s video to assure and court room quality video is captured.  Our videographers will provide you with the edited final video in MPEG and/or DVD formats.



Our transcription team is second to none. With over 20 combined years of experience producing accurate and timely transcripts for our clients, our transcription team is able to produce a transcript for a variety of needs; including complex cases, meetings, hearings, 911 calls.



Our experienced interpreters provide factually and culturally accurate interpretations. To do so requires great skill on the part of the interpreter in the understanding and translation of the language and also in conveying the emotions by the speaker.

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Remote Depositions

Complete remote deposition solutions via videoconferencing managed on Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, Google Teams, and Skype. If you require a videoconference solution not mentioned, contact our scheduling team who can create personalized solution to meet your needs.