Embracing the Future with Remote Depositions

Remote Deposition by a Certified Digital Court Reporter

As we navigate the unprecedented challenges of today's world, propelled by the Coronavirus pandemic, the art of adapting is crucial. One such adaptation in the realm of legal services is the rise of remote depositions. Despite the ongoing debate surrounding their efficacy, remote court reporting and depositions are becoming the new normal for legal proceedings from West Palm Beach court to Fort Lauderdale court, and even to the remote corners of Florida court reporting scene. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for litigators, shedding light on the essential practices for smooth and effective remote depositions.

Preparing for Remote Deposition: Ensuring Seamless Proceedings

Before the day of the remote deposition, preparation is key to avoid unwanted issues. Here are a few essential elements to take care of:

Choosing the Vendors and Technology

Your choice of technological services is vital for successful remote depositions. Many court reporting agencies today offer their own deposition platforms. Still, you should check all your available options, like a court reporter Miami or court reporting firms in Tampa. While choosing, ensure you select vendors offering pre-deposition training. Even if you're an Orlando court reporter seasoned with remote depositions, a refresher practice a week before the proceedings is advisable.

Managing Exhibits

Managing exhibits requires careful pre-planning. You might choose sealed hardcopies or e-copies, but ensure the technology you're using supports transmission, marking, and utilization of these exhibits. Also, remember to communicate all these details with the court reporting agency or your chosen court reporter.

Participant Location and Video

It's essential to discuss the location of all participants beforehand, from the deponent to the court reporters near me. Ensure the deponent's location is well-lit and quiet. If you plan on video recording the deposition, this information should be communicated to all parties involved, including the court reporting agency.

Avoiding Technological Glitches

To dodge technological hitches, ensure your computer has the necessary audio and video accessories and appropriate software for running the deposition platform. If you think you might face technological issues, don't hesitate to ask for assistance from your court reporting agency. They can provide training sessions, and your court reporter is likely to be an expert with the platform. Always have a backup plan like telephonic deposition in case of technical failures.

Maintaining Propriety During Remote Deposition

Remember, a remote deposition is still a formal legal proceeding, so maintaining decorum is essential. Keep all unrelated electronic devices on silent or better yet, turned off. Request all participants to do the same. When you're not speaking, mute your microphone to avoid background noise. Speak slowly and clearly to ensure everyone understands the dialogue.

Embracing Remote Depositions: The Way Forward

Remote deposition, while new to many, is not an alien concept. It has been around for several years, catering effectively to litigators' needs. From providing last-minute court reporter services to litigation support services, remote depositions have proved to be a game-changer.

At Cogent Legal Services, we stand ready to assist with all your court reporting needs, from Fort Lauderdale court reporting to West Palm Beach court reporting and beyond. Trust us to provide hassle-free services using the best applications for remote depositions. Your case need not delay, even in these challenging times.


Navigating Video-Conferencing Apps for Court Reporting: Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, and Skype